The Power of Written Goals: How Writing It Out Can Change Your Life

Have you ever looked at a calendar and wished your life had more days? How about a bucket of sand and a few sunrises? Most people would be terrified of such an unfriendly future, but in some cultures they celebrate it as a time of good fortune. The word saeculum means cyclical century in Latin, so this is the view that the world comes around again. We come back to the same point over and over again no matter how many bad things happen between each cycle or how many of us there might be at any one moment. The repetition implies change, growth and something new coming into being. It’s therefore not surprising that goal setting has become so popular in recent years. When you set goals for yourself it is easy to look at them from an objective point of view and believe that you could achieve anything if only you worked hard enough. But when you write these goals down on paper or create an action plan with pictures it is far easier to visualize your path towards them and feel inspired to get moving on that road sooner rather than later. That’s because writing it down forces you to think about what those goals mean to you personally and why they are worth persisting with even when times get tough or other things start getting in the way.

What is a goal?

A goal is a purposeful action you want to take that will lead you towards a specific outcome. For example, your goal might be to write a book that goes on to sell millions of copies. A goal is not something that you have already accomplished or something you have already achieved.

The power of writing goals down

Writing down your goals isn’t just about setting a target for yourself. It’s also about understanding yourself and your motivations better, which can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life. In the 21st century, to help motivate you towards writing down these goals, there are so many different apps that can help make it easy to do just that. For example, there is an app called ‘Write or Die’ that allows you to set daily goals and punishments if you don’t complete them. If you miss a day, you’ll get fined $10 for each missed day so you must write every day; if not, the penalties will increase until Friday at midnight when it’s game over! This app has been incredibly successful in helping people write more often and kick off their routines in healthy ways.

How to Set Goals

and Write Them Down It’s simple to set goals; all you need is paper and a pen. There are a few ways to go about this, depending on what your goals are. For example, if you want to lose weight, it might be helpful to establish clear targets for your food intake and exercise schedule as well as how long you want to take before achieving those targets. If you want to start a business, then you might use these same methods for setting goals but also consider how much time you can devote and when that might be convenient. Writing down your goals allows you to see them from the outside in so that they become less intangible and more able to be achieved simply by following the plan that you wrote out for yourself. This is important because sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated when the goal seems like an unreachable one or when sudden obstacles come up. When written on paper or put into an action plan with pictures, the goal becomes clearer and more manageable.

Why You Should Set SMART Goals

One of the most common goals people strive for is happiness. But some people go about this the wrong way, simply hoping that they will find happiness and expect it to happen by chance. This is not a good way to go about things as you are unlikely to ever find happiness if you do not actively pursue it. So, why should you set SMART goals? They are clear, concise and measurable which give you ultimate control over your life. Making sure your goals and their action plan are SMART will help you stay motivated because the goal is clearly defined and so too it is much easier to gauge your progress towards it. It also brings clarity into what you want from life and helps keep your focus on where you want to be in future years. Another advantage of writing down what you want out of life is that it helps prevent unrealistic expectations that no one can achieve everything they wish for every day on their own.

How to know if your goals are SMART

Having goals helps us to know where we are heading. It also gives us a sense of purpose and can help us become more productive when we set our minds to achieving them. When you set goals for yourself, you should think about how they will impact your life and the lives of others around you. These goals should be able to be easily defined and understood by everyone involved in your project. They should be measurable so that you can measure your progress on a regular basis. The goals should also have deadlines so that you know when certain milestones need to be met or if the goal is not met it will not happen. Finally, these goals should have time frames so that you know how long it takes to achieve them before moving onto the next one.


Writing down your goals can be a powerful strategy to help you reach your goals. Goals are often forgotten and overlooked. They are hard to remember and harder to accomplish. By writing down your goals, you make it more likely that you’ll achieve them. Setting goals that are SMART will help you make progress more quickly.

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