grey hair man

Ayurveda has a lot more than just herbs and spices in its arsenal. It also offers us with some very effective remedies that can help us deal with our health problems effectively. One such remedy is ‘Vidanga’ or ‘Kumkumaaradi Vati’. This herb is used as an anti-inflammatory agent and it works on all three doshas – Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

There are many remedies for hair loss, but this Ayurvedic remedy is easy and relatively inexpensive. The natural ingredients in this hair treatment pack a powerful punch.

The Ayurvedic word “ras” is commonly translated as ‘essence’ or ‘life-force’. This energy is present in all living beings and can be drawn from the earth and sky. In contrast to Western medicine, Ayurveda often treats the whole person. Nutrient deficits that may have resulted

So what causes grey hair?

Grey hair is usually a sign of aging or a natural response to stress, but in some cases it can be due to an underlying medical condition. Finding out the underlying cause of your problem can help you find the best solution to get rid of your gray hair.

Did you know that most hair color treatments can cause your hair to turn a shade or two lighter over time? This is because the chemicals change the pigment of the hair.

Aging is the primary cause of most skin diseases. The gray hair is one of them. If you want to remove the gray hair, you need to take a better care of your skin and change your lifestyle.

How to reverse grey hair?

Eating yogurt can be a great way to get the protein and calcium you need for your diet. But what about getting enough protein from food You may think that you need to eat dairy products or supplements in order to get a healthy amount of protein. Fortunately, there are many plant based foods that contain the same amount of protein as eggs or dairy products if you are vegan.

Some other Ayurvedic remedies involve using egg yolk, turmeric, ghee and lemon juice on the scalp.

Alternatively, you can opt for a mixture of shampoo and cream containing biotin (as much as 200 mg) every day for at least three months.

Also, having a scalp massage with a mixture of egg yolk and turmeric paste once a week is also a good option.

Sleeping on time

Intake of clean air

Quit Smoking

Do not overexpose your hair to sunlight

Do not over exercise

Check you tyroid hormone / cortisol levels.

Home Remedy

Crush 1/2 a cup of tulsi leaves and mix in 2 cups of hot coconut oil. Let it cool. Keep in the sun for 15 days. Massage this oil into the scalp every week.

Boil some dried leaves of Bhringaraj herb in coconut oil. Keep it for a week. Filter it and store in a dark-coloured bottle. Apply the oil thrice a week.

Mix 2 tsp of amla powder, 1/2 tsp neem powder and juice of half lemon, massage into scalp. Leave for 1 hour. Wash with tepid water.

Add 30-50 crushed curry leaves and 2 tsp of dried amla powder to 5 tsp of coconut oil. Boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat. Let it cool. Massage this oil into your scalp for 20 minutes and also apply to the length of your hair. Wash with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes.

Add a paste of a handful of curry leaves to 1 cup of buttermilk and massage the scalp. Wash after 30 minutes with a mild shampoo. Do this twice a week.

Blend 5 tbsp of black sesame seed oil with 2.5 tsp of carrot seed oil. Massage into scalp for 20 minutes and leave overnight. Wash with a mild shampoo in the morning.

Brahmi oil

Alternatively you could try brahmi oil which is a brilliant, and all-natural, herbal blend of oil that promotes hair growth and makes new hair more thick, shiny, and strong.


Organic sesame seed oil, Brahmi (gotu kola), Amla (Indian gooseberry), Ashwagandha (withania somnifera), Turmeric (curcuma longa), Bringraj (eclipta alba), Gokshura (tribulus terrestris), Bala (sida cordifolia), Neem (azadirachta indica), Purnarnava (boerhavia diffusa), Shatawari (asparagus racemosa), Essential oil fragrance

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